Welcome to S.E.T. Weighing Systems Homepage, home of the specialist for solutions to all your weighing needs.
A Malaysian based company involved in the fabrication and sales of light and heavy duty weighbridges or truck scales, concrete batching plants, truck mixers and much more.
Provides a wide range of weighing designs and applications, incorporating, to name a few, high quality digital or analog load cells, balances, scales, accessories and application software.
Also, dealer and supplier of precision balances, retail scales, industrial scales, platform scales, and customized weighing systems.
Offers prompt pre and post sales services, repair works and modification/improvement of existing weighing systems. Service and support centres located at all the major cities and towns in East and West Malaysia.
RW-PLZ is easy portable set of vehicle weighing scale that is usually used to weigh the road
vehicles. RW-PLZ consists of weighing platform scale and indicator, and both are designed
to endure rough environment.
Marketed under the trade names of TRUCKMASTERTM (pitless weighbridge) and TRUCKMATETM (pit weighbridge), S.E.T.'s weighbridges or truck scales come in heavy duty fully welded steel structures and concrete deck structures.
On-board weighing systems for reach stacker that find their typical application in harbors and container handling area where the accurated weighing is required